Construction still in progress for PatrioticBodyPainting.Com a.k.a. PoliticalBodyPainting.Com .
Libertarian-Minded Gals:  Enter the Patriotic Body Painting Contest.  See Rules below.  





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Nose Art, WWII, World War II, Nose Art WWII, World War II Nose Art, WarBirds, Pinups,


·Global Web Solutions, Inc.·


If you like nose art, you'll like this "Collectors Weekly" installment on Pin-Up Art.


Rules for Submitting Your Images:  Scroll-down or click here.


T-Shirts, Tank-Tops, ect. (click images below)



Illustrative Examples for Patriotic BodyPainted Images
(Click images to enlarge them)
Note:  Our "Auntie Samantha" character is the "model" for most of these illustrations.  If you want to do so, you may submit one or more images copying or adapting any of the "themes" modeled on this site by "Aunti Samantha," or, of course, you may create your own theme.





Rules for Submission of Poster-Style Images to PoliticalBodyPainting.Com:

01.  Have yourself body-painted with patriotic colors or themes (or have yourself pictured in patriotic attire or a combination of both).º¹   

02.  Select a location, scene or background suitable for whatever will be the patriotic theme or message of your poster.  (A location or background may be blank or neutral or may be one that provides or enhances whatever may be your patriotic theme.)

03.  With yourself positioned within (or in front of) the scene, location or background, have someone take a number of pictures so you can select the best one.   (Positioning may be in the nature of a still-shot image or an action-shot image.)  (Videos and/or "gif" animations are likewise acceptable.)

04.  Upload your best image to your own site or any site on which you have posting privileges, and then email to us the link to your image(s) (or video or animation) with a request that we download it and post it on this site with a link to your own site (or whatever may be the site on which you posted it in accordance with your own posting privileges at such site).  Here are our email addresses, from which you must delete every hyphen, change the "At" to the symbol for "at" and replace the word "Dot" with a period in order to make it a working address: 

Please-Display-My-Patriotic-Body-Painted-Image-At-PatrioticBodyPainting-Dot-Com  ("image" includes a gif-animation)
Please-Display-My-Patriotic-Attire-Image-At-PatrioticBodyPainting-Dot-Com  (use this if there is NO bodypainting)

Please-display-My-Patriotic-Body-Painted-Video-At-PatrioticBodyPainting-Dot-Com   . 

Please-Display-My-Patriotic-Attire-Video-At-PatrioticBodyPainting-Dot-Com   . (use this if there is NO bodypainting)

We will NOT display your email address (unless your email to us were to explicitly request that we do so).

Do NOT "attach" your image/animation/video to your email (we won't open emails containing attachments of any kind or containing any automatically-opening file of any kind)-- instead, your email must simply provide to us the url link(s) to your image(s)/animation(s)/video(s) already uploaded to your own site or any site on which you have posting privileges. 

05.  If we like it (in our sole discretion), we'll post it here so that when visitors click it, they'll be transported to the link you provided.  We will not post your email address (unless your email to us were to explicitly ask us to do so.)  If we approve and post one or more of your image(s)/animation(s)/video(s), we will promptly notify you by email.  Then you can encourage your friends/supporters to visit our site and "vote" for your  image(s)/animation(s)/video(s) by viewing it/them.

06.  If you subsequently send us an email asking us to remove it, we will do so.  If we find you have removed the image from the link you provided to us  (or changed the image at such link in a manner causing us to no longer approve it), we will remove the image and link from our site.

07.  If we receive an email providing a link to an unlawful image, depending on the nature of the unlawfulness, we may be obliged to furnish the email to proper law-enforcement authorities.

08.  We do not consider sexually-risqué images of obviously-adult females to be unlawful.  Nevertheless, we will not display or link to any image we deem to be vulgar, offensive or degrading or any image depicting any sexual act or activity.  Our goal is to inspire people, not to offend them.  Of course there are some people who are offended by any degree of nudity, but we don't think nudity alone is offensive.  (Regarding risqué but inoffensive nudity, see the video above titled "Nose Art War."  As is obvious from the video, many of the heroes that help win WWII didn't view mere nudity or depictions thereof to be offensive.) 

09.  It's okay to include an adult boyfriend or spouse in the image with you if it helps contribute to the patriotic theme of your image.

10.  Do not send links to any image or video that reveals bare or bodypainted parts that would normally be covered by a bikini unless every person in the image or video is obviously an adult.

11.  If you are under 18 but nevertheless look like an adult, do NOT send us any image or video unless the entirety of the vdeo would satisfy what is commonly understood to satisfy the "G" rating for movies-- otherwise, it may impose obligations on us to notify proper law-enforcement authorities.

12.  If you are 18 or older but look younger than 18, do NOT send us any image or video depicting yourself in a risqué fashion unless you are able and willing to also provide information clearly establishing that you are 18 or older.

13.  Do NOT send us a link to someone else's image or video-- only send us what is your own (or yours in collaboration with others in the same image/video).

14. By sending us the link to any image/animation/video, you thereby explicitly represent to us that you own such image/animation/video and that it does not infringe on any copyright owned by anyone else.


  º¹       .

Examples of patriotic icons or themes:  Betsy Ross, "Aunt Samantha" (female version of  "Uncle Sam"), "Nose-Art" icons (see here, here, here, here, here, here, or here), "pinup" style images/videos, etc.



ObamaCare OB Gyn Exam 2012

(Before the November, 2012 Election)

(Maybe not totally SFW)

·Obama Care OB-Gyn Exam 2012·


·Global Web Solutions, Inc.·



Click Image Below to Order

Ousted Nov. 2012 Bumper Sticker


A Tribute to Our Troops  
by PoliticalXray a.k.a. 
on Vimeo


Obamessiah 2012 
Sermon on the Mint
by PoliticalXray a.k.a. 
on Vimeo


Petty Woman 
by PoliticalXray a.k.a. 
on Vimeo



Occupy America 
by PoliticalXray a.k.a. 
on Vimeo



GM GoreMobile 
by PoliticalXray a.k.a. 
on Vimeo



Everybody Needs a Mahdi 
by PoliticalXray a.k.a. 
on Vimeo
